Bill Holmes

Bill Holmes

Bill Holmes is the co-author of Faculty-led 360: Guide to Successful Study Abroad and the Director of International Education at Eastern Kentucky University. Bill received a BA in History from Miami University and an MA in International Affairs from the University of Wyoming. Additional graduate work was completed abroad in Hungary, Romania and Croatia. As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine, Bill served as health & safety “warden” for his region. The experience has carried over into his work in study abroad program development and faculty training for health, safety and cultural adaptation. Bill serves on NAFSA Trainer Corps and has taken a leading role in developing the Appalachian College Association’s international education training program for member institutions. His academic interests include Russian & Hungarian literature and he has taught a number of East European history and international studies courses. Bill, along with his wife Erin, directs ongoing TESOL training and service-learning programs in Ukraine.


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