Holly Oberle is the author of College Abroad. Holly grew up in Fort Collins, Colorado. She holds a B.A. in International Relations and Women’s Studies from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois and an M.A. in International Relations and Social Theory from Jacobs University and Bremen Universität in Germany. She completed a Doctoral Fellowship at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is a PhD candidate at the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies. She researches feminist theory of language and gender in foreign policy, and is expected to complete her doctorate in 2013. In addition to Israel, Germany and the United States, she has also lived and studied in Budapest, Hungary.
Besides traveling as much as possible, Holly is an animal lover, enjoys vegetarian cooking, swimming, jogging, and listening to Beethoven.
Visit Holly’s Blog at morelikeamoat.wordpress.com.
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Hello Holly,
I just read your book College Abroad and found it to be very helpful. I recently learned of a program in our county that does a short term exchange with Germany and Austria. You may want to include this as an example of how HS students can dip their toe in the international waters to see if may be for them.
Here’s the website: